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  • 2006/04/24
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The renewable energies market holds out strong growth potential requiring ever-greater funding. It is noteworthy in this regard that under the Kyoto Protocol, France undertook to raise its production of electricity from renewable energies from 15% in 2005 to 21% by 2010.
In view of this, Crédit Agricole Private Equity is setting up CAPENERGIE, its first institutional FCPR for renewable energies such as wind power, biomass, solar thermal, photovoltaic, geothermal, biogas, biofuel, cogeneration, etc.
The aim of CAPENERGIE is to invest in companies such as developers, specialised promoters equipment suppliers and operators, but also in funding renewable energy projects.
This minimum €80 million fund has been financed by the Crédit Agricole Group, and Crédit Agricole Regional Banks and third-party institutionals will be invited to pay into it as of mid-2006.
CAPENERGIE is part of the Crédit Agricole Group's environment-focused offering and its strategy of an environmentally-responsible bank.

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