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  • Head of Regional Bank Relations, within Crédit Agricole S.A., since July 2022


Guilhem Nouvel-Alaux joined the Midi Regional Bank in 1995, where he was appointed Head of management control. In 2006, he joined the Ille-et-Vilaine Regional Bank, where he occupied the posts of Financial and Risk Director, director of Human Resources, and Director of Marketing and Communication. In 2010, Guilhem Nouvel-Alaux became Assistant Managing Director of the North Midi-Pyrénées Regional Bank, with responsibility for operations (finance, human resources, banking, loans, organisation, quality). He also oversaw the Nice payment instruments business line. In September 2014, Guilhem Nouvel-Alaux was appointed Head of Trade and Tenders at Crédit Agricole S.A. He became Deputy Head of International Retail and Commercial Banking in November 2016.

Guilhem Nouvel-Alaux holds a diploma in economics. He is also a graduate of Montpellier business school.

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