Agnès Audier
Born in 1964

- Independent Director
- Chairwoman of the Compensation Committee
- Member of the Audit Commitee and of the Strategic Committee
Date first appointed
Term of office
Number of Crédit Agricole S.A. shares held at 31/12/2023
Brief Biography
Agnès Audier is an alumna (ingénieure en chef) of France’s Corps des Mines, holds a degree in Physics and Chemistry and a DEA (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies) in Materials Science and is a graduate of IEP Paris. She began her career at the prefecture of the Île de-France region. She previously worked with Simone Veil at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, then with Jean-Pierre Raffarin at the Ministry of SMEs, Trade and Crafts, where she was Head of Office. She joined the Vivendi Universal group in 1997. There, she held the positions of Director of Strategy and Development and of Director of the VUnet division, which brought together all the group’s Internet activities, before joining the Havas group as Executive Vice President, Chief Performance Officer in 2003. After one year at the Inspectorate General of Finance in 2006, she joined the Boston Consulting Group where she was a Managing Director and Partner in the Paris office for 11 years. There she specialised in digital transformation in particular. Agnès Audier, who has been heavily involved in the social field for 30 years, is Chairwoman of SOS Seniors, a social and solidarity economy company with 75 EHPAs (care and nursing homes).
Update: April 2023
In other listed companies
Director representing the Strategic Participation Fund; member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee, Chairwoman of the CSR Committee
In other non-listed companies
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor
In other positions
Chairwoman (volunteer)
President (volunteer)
Chairwoman (volunteer) Stakeholder Committee
In other listed companies
Independent Director; Chairwoman of the Audit and Risk Committee
In other non-listed companies
Associate Director
Independent Director