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#Financial publicationsInterview with Philippe Brassac - Excellent results for the Group’s universal banking model
Whistleblowing system
Crédit Agricole published a Group Ethics Charter in 2017 officially setting out our commitments on responsible behaviour to all our partners. These principles included the option for our staff to exercise their right to blow the whistle, for example when reporting wrongdoing up the line is either ineffective or not appropriate for the situation. How this system works is specified in the Crédit Agricole S.A. Code of Conduct, which is the operational interpretation of the Ethics Charter.
To consolidate our drive to prevent wrongdoing, unethical and criminal behaviour, we want to make sure all our employees, as well as all external service providers and suppliers can exercise their right to make protected disclosures to safeguard the company’s interests.
Individuals who are unable to report potential misbehaviour under the normal reporting process (for fear of reprisals, pressure from managers, involvement of managers, etc.) can now exercise their whistleblowing right through the BKMS® SYSTEMS platform.
In accordance with the Sapin 2 law of 9 December 2016, the Whistleblower Employee, when he acts in a disinterested manner and in good faith concerning facts of which he has had personal knowledge, benefits from protection and cannot be sanctioned, dismissed or be the subject of any direct or indirect discriminatory measure, in particular as regards remuneration or professional promotion.
The BKMS® SYSTEMS platform guarantees the confidentiality of the whistleblower, the incidents reported and the people involved. The information is encrypted and stored in a separate secure environment. Whistleblowers can use the tool to make the disclosure and use the protected dialogue box to discuss it with the officer in charge of handling the report. The whistleblower’s anonymity is protected. He can also choose to remain anonymous, and therefore unprotected, but can still communicate with the person in charge of handling the alert via the secure "dialog box".
More information is available in the “Whistleblowing a practical Guide”
Connect to the platform at any time and from anywhere:
See the BKMS® SYSTEMS demonstration video
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