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Our csr strategy: be an actor of a sustainable society

Illustration Crédit Agricole Group CSR page - Our CSR strategy: to be a player in a sustainable society

Act every day in the interest of our customers and society

On the strength of its cooperative and mutualist identity and its long-standing commitment, in 2019 the Group adopted a Raison d'Être which resolutely commits us to "Acting every day in the interest of the client and of society" . As such, 2019 is an important year for the Crédit Agricole Group. It is on this basis, with the desire to anchor its societal utility in all of its activities, businesses and processes that the Group's new project, "Ambitions 2025", has been built. This reflects, through strong objectives, the desire to further contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is in line with the recommendations of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) of the UNEP FI that the Group signed in September 2019.


The Client Project

is based on its model of universal local banking ("for all and in all regions") and on the diversity of its expertise, with the aim of supporting clients over time and better meeting their needs and expectations.

The Human Project

focused on local responsibility, to offer customers permanent access to a trained, independent contact person who acts within a clear delegation framework, with the trust and mutual commitment of employees and the company as a driving force.

The Societal Project

Launched in 2019 with  the climate strategy, the societal project was strengthened at the end of 2021 through 3 priorities and 10 commitments. It constitutes the overall framework for the Group’s action in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. Know more

The ambition at the heart of the Societal Project: supporting the transition

The success of the ecological transition depends on economic development that promotes social and territorial cohesion. The energy transition must adopt a balanced trajectory that is not implemented to the detriment of the most vulnerable populations, in France and internationally. Around the world, 860 million people still do not have access to energy. Until very recently, coal was considered the cheapest source of energy. This is about to no longer be the case: in a very short time, renewables have become more competitive than coal in most parts of the world. The development of these carbon-free energies that do not affect the quality of the local air must be targeted as a priority. The transition that the Crédit Agricole Group wishes to support must allow populations to have access to clean energy at low cost, in the regions and throughout the world.


Infographie : RSE accompagner la transition

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RSE : illustration environnement ESG




A long-term commitment


For more than 20 years, Crédit Agricole has proven its involvement through its various commitments

› Signatory:

  • • Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2022;
  • • Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative since 2021 and Net-Zero Insurance
    Alliance in 2022;
  • • Finance for Biodiversity Pledge since 2021(2);
  • • Principles for sustainable insurance since 2021;
  • • Tobacco Free Finance Pledge since 2020;
  • • Principles for responsible banking and collective commitment to climate action since 2019;
  • • Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) since 2019;
  • • Poseidon Principles since 2019;
  • • One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund Asset Manager Initiative since 2019;
  • • Manifesto for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Economic Life since 2019;
  • • Science-Based Targets since 2016;
  • • RE100 since 2016;
  • • Charter for the energy efficiency of commercial buildings since 2013;
  • • Responsible Purchasing Charter since 2010;
  • • Corporate diversity Charter since 2008;
  • • Parenthood Charter since 2019, renewed in 2022;
  • • Principles for Responsible Investment since 2006;
  • • United Nations Global Compact since 2003.







› Participant:

  • • Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) since 2022;
  • • AIGCC (Asia Investor Group on Climate Change) since 2020;
  • • Climate Action 100+ since 2017;
  • • Task Force on Climate Financial Disclosures since 2017;
  • • Montreal Carbon Pledge since 2015;
  • • Paris Appeal on Climate Change since 2015;
  • • Call for carbon pricing at the initiative of the World Bank Group in 2014

› Co-founder member:

  • • Finance for Tomorrow since 2017;
  • • IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) since 2016;
  • • Mainstreaming Climate Action Within Financial Institutions since 2015;
  • • Catalytic Finance Initiative since 2015;
  • • French Business Climate Pledge since 2015;
  • • BBCA association (low-carbon building design) since 2015;
  • • Green Bonds Principles since 2014;
  • • Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition since 2014;
  • • Equator Principles since 2003.




› Other positions:

  • • Statement on modern slavery since 2017





Recognition of CSR performance by stakeholders

By deploying its ESG strategy across all its businesses, Crédit Agricole S.A. is consolidating its non-financial performance. 

Extra-financial ratings:

  • Rated AA by MSCI (2024)
  • Rated 71/100, by Moody's Analytics (2024)
  • Rated C+/Prime by ISS-ESG (2023)     
  • Rated 23,9 by Sustainalytics (2023)
  • Rated A- by CDP (2024)


Included in ESG indices: 

  • NYSE Euronext since May 2013   
  • FTSE4Good, confirmed in June 2024


To go further in CSR

The latest news

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