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#Financial publicationsInterview with Philippe Brassac - Excellent results for the Group’s universal banking model
2025/02/05 -
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#EconomyFrance – 2025-2026 scenario: in search of political stability, with growth undermined by uncertainty
Consultative committee
The purpose of the Crédit Agricole S.A. Consultative Committee is to help the company communicate as effectively as possible with its individual shareholders


Bernard CAUDAL

Dominique CORNIERE
(Pays de la Loire)

Andrée-jeanne DEBRU


Stéphane GOETZ

Marie-claude LAVOCAT

Jean-pierre MONTEIL


Bettina SOULEZ

Olivier VINIT
Meetings and tasks
The purpose of the Crédit Agricole S.A. Consultative Committee is to help the company communicate as effectively as possible with its individual shareholders.
The Consultative Committee gives feedback and meets 2 or 3 times a year, face-to-face, to:
- to give an opinion, to make proposals on ours individuals shareholders presentations, events and communication messages to the individual shareholders: including Integrated Report, the Guide of individual shareholders, the Internet section «Individual shareholders», the monthly enews of the Shareholders' Club, remarks on the programme of meetings, conferences and visits proposed by the Shareholders' Club. As a general rule, it provides feedback on all types of information aimed at individual shareholders;
- to participate in the preparation of the General Meeting: an explanation in the preamble of the resolutions submitted to the shareholders for voting, comments on the objectives and implications of these resolutions, and reviews the voting procedures;
- present and discuss our Medium-Term Plan, our business lines or other topics related to our Group’s activity.
The Consultative Committee is also consulted each quarter, by webconference, on the publication of our results.
Meetings for year 2024
- 18 December 2024, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Kevin Brunier, Deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole Santé & Territoires, presented to the members of the Liaison Committee the new Santé & Territoires (Health & Territories) business line: its model, its roadmap and its first achievements. Then, Cécile Mouton, Head of Investor Relations at Crédit Agricole S.A., commented the Group's results for the third quarter and 9 first months of 2024 and answered the Committee's questions.
- 11 September 2024, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Jean-Pierre Touzet, Head of Crédit Agricole S.A.'s Agri-Agro, Guarantee and Capital Development Division, presented to the members of the Liaison Committee the roadmap and the organisation of the Group to support strategy for the agricultural and agri-food sectors, which constitutes one of the objectives of its Societal Project. Then, Cécile Mouton, Head of Investor Relations at Crédit Agricole S.A., commented the Group's results for the second quarter and first half of 2024 and answered the Committee's questions. This meeting was also an opportunity for the new members of the Liaison Committee to introduce themselves.
- 4 April 2024, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Ronan Phelep, CFO and Head of support functions of Crédit Agricole Transitions & Énergies, presented to the members of the Liaison Committee the development strategy for this new business of the Group. During this meeting, Alexandra Fumas, from the Legal Affairs department of Crédit Agricole S.A., also presented to the Liaison Committee the project of resolutions that will be submitted to the vote of the shareholders at our next General Meeting to be held on the 22 May 2024.
- 10 January 2024, during a plenary meeting at the premises of Amundi, the leading European asset manager: The Liaison Committee was presented with a presentation of the Company, led by Cyril Meilland, Head of Investor relations & Financial communication, and of Amundi Intermediation by its Head, Christophe Kieffer. In a second step, Guillaume Lefebvre, Head of IFCAM, presented to the members of the Committee the activity of the Crédit Agricole Group University and discusses with them the interest of training in responding to the challenges of adaptation and tranformation of the Group.
Meetings for year 2023
- 27 September 2023, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus: The Liaison Committee presented the restitution of the qualitative study it carried out on the 2022 Integrated Report of Crédit Agricole S.A. The members of the Liaison Committee then discussed with Cécile Mouton, Head of Financial communications of Crédit Agricole S.A., the results of the 2nd Quarter of 2023 and the Crédit Agricole Group's news. Then they attended a presentation dedicated to the Digital and IT Transformation of the Group and interacted with Crédit Agricole S.A. speakers, Jean-Philippe Bellec, Director of Digital Trajectory and Innovation, and François Delzant, Head of Cybersecurity and IT Risks Department.
- 12 April 2023, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Christophe Jacolin, Head of ESG Strategy at Crédit Agricole S.A., presented to the members of Liaison Committee the Group’s climate strategy, including five sectorial decarbonisation objectives in line with the “Net Zero” commitments to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. During this meeting, Alexandra Fumas, from the Legal Affairs department of Crédit Agricole S.A., also presented to the Liaison Committee the project of resolutions that will be submitted to the vote of the shareholders at our next General Meeting to be held on the 17th May 2023.
Meetings for year 2022
- 22 November 2022, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Catherine Lebougre, Senior Economist in the Group Economics Department, presented to the members of Liaison Committee the quarter economic scenario and macroeconomic trends for the beginning of 2023. This meeting was also an opportunity for Clotilde L’Angevin, Head of Financial communications at Crédit Agricole S.A., to present third quarter and 9 first months 2022 results and to answer the Committee’s questions. Finally, Jérôme Grivet, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A. in charge of Steering and Control, chaired à luncheon during which he discussed with the members of Liaison Committee and answered their questions about Crédit Agricole Group.
- 6 September 2022, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Paul Foubert, Group Head of Financial Management, and Vincent Buchart, Manager, Group Strategy Department, presented to the members of Liaison Committee "Ambitions 2025", Crédit Agricole S.A. strategic mid-term plan. This meeting was also an opportunity for Clotilde L’Angevin, Head of Financial communications at Crédit Agricole S.A., to present second quarter results and to answer the Committee’s questions.
- 8 April 2022, during a plenary meeting on the Evergreen campus, Stéphane Priami, Deputy-CEO in charge of the Specialized Financial Services Division, and CEO of CA Consumer Finance, made a presentation to the Consultative Committee on the activity of the SFS division, emphasizing the activity of CA CF in personal finance. By his side, Richard Bouligny, Head of International Automotive Partnerships, detailed the entity’s automotive strategy and its ambitions in Long Term Rental under the agreement made with Stellantis at the end of 2021. During this meeting, Arnaud Gillet, Legal expert at Crédit Agricole S.A., also presented and explained to the Liaison Committee the resolutions that will be submitted to the vote of the shareholders at our next General Meeting to be held on the 24th May 2022.