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A responsible employer

The Human-centric project

The women and men of Crédit Agricole are central to the success of the Group. In an increasingly digital society, the direct responsibility that accountable employees offer their customers is crucial. The Group places this responsibility at the heart of its Human-centric project.

Acting as the main driver to achieve our organisational, cultural and managerial transformation, the Human-centric Project focuses on accountable teams, i.e. each individual employee is responsible for his or her actions. The Project aims to offer the Group’s customers permanent access to a single contact person, acting with full discretion to provide real value, in line with the Group’s raison d’être: “Working every day in the interest of our customers and society”.

In a constantly changing market environment, the Group, as a responsible employer, ensures equity and promotes diversity with a view to inclusion; develops skills; fosters the quality of work life and guarantees the health and safety of its employees; and upholds active dialogue with employee representatives.


The six building blocks of our HR policy



Group Crédit Agricole employs 154,000 people throughout the world. Its capacity to attract talent is reflected in various employer branding rankings:

  • •    LinkedIn Top Companies 2023 (published April 2023): no. 1 financial services employer in France with the best career prospects 
  • •    Universum 2023, CSR index for France (published January 2024): no. 1 financial services employer according to recent graduates, recognised for its social and environmental commitments 


Crédit Agricole S.A., a major recruiter in 2023:




work-study contracts



The Crédit Agricole S.A. recruitment website, For you, everything starts here, gives candidates access to a multi-brand, multi-business and international platform, for an easy and intuitive candidate experience:


  • HR document database: agreements, charters and policies


    Agreement on the management of skills (GPEC, only in French) (2012)


    Charter on new ways of working (2018)


    Code of Conduct (2018)


    Code of Ethics (2017)


    Corporate Parenthood Charter (2022)


    Crédit Agricole S.A. HR Facts & Figures (2023)


    Crédit Agricole S.A. HR policy : Diversity (2024)


    Crédit Agricole S.A. HR policy: Employee remuneration (2024)


    Crédit Agricole S.A. HR policy: Health, Safety & Quality of Work Life (2024)


    Crédit Agricole S.A. HR policy: Social dialogue (2024)


    Diversity Charter (2008)


    GDPR Charter for employees (2018)

    GDPR Charter for job applicants (reviewed 2023)


    Global Agreement (UNI Global Union) (2023-2027)


    - International Framework Agreement (UNI Global Union) (2019-2023)

    Group Disability Policy (2022)

    Human rights charter (2009)

    Manifesto for the inclusion in economic life of people with disabilities (2019)


    Potentielles diversity charter (2018)


    Social Commitment – 2023 Report (March 2024)


    UK Modern Slavery Act declaration (2023)


    Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) (2022)

  • HR performance indicators

    MTP monitoring indicators for 2023


    ESG strategyPolicyPerformance indicatorsUnit2023202220212020Entities concerned
    Social performanceActing as a responsible employer in a citizen companyPercentage of women on Crédit Agricole S.A.’s executive committee%35.337.53123.5Crédit Agricole S.A.
    Percentage of women in the Top 150 (C1)%2122.521.516.8Crédit Agricole S.A.
    Training courses givenMillions of hours2.52.171.841.83Crédit Agricole S.A.
    Number of agreements signedNumber212262230217Crédit Agricole S.A.
    Absenteeism rate (excl. maternity leave)%édit Agricole S.A.
    Cumulative number of young people welcomed during the calendar yearNumber12 44512 019NPNPCrédit Agricole S.A.


    Source: URD 2023, p132


    Labour indicators for Crédit Agricole S .A. (2023)

    Click here to download the main labour indicators of Crédit Agricole S.A. for 2023.

    Gender equality index

    The gender equality index was established by the French government in 2019, in order to calculate the compensation gaps between men and women at work. 

    The Group’s marks highlight the efficiency of those actions implemented.

    At end December 2023, the index for the Crédit Agricole S.A. Corporate Entity was 97/100

    The information of each Group entity relating to their gender equality index is published on their website.

    Rixain Law information

    The Rixain Law establishes an obligation for fair representation of men and women in the executive positions of major corporations. It sets an objective of at least 30% of people of each gender amongst executive managers and leadership bodies by 1 March 2026.

    The calculation is based on the time spent, during the accounting year, by the Group’s men and women as executive managers or as members of a leadership body. 

    At end December 2023, the gender diversity figures in executive positions for Crédit Agricole S.A. Corporate Entity were:

    • •  Rate of women among executive management: 29.10%
    • •  Rate of women in leadership bodies: 37.50%

    The information of each Group entity relating to the Rixain Law is published on their website.


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