Pascal Lheureux
Born in 1962
- Director
- Member of the Compensation Committee and Risks Committee
First appointment
Term of office ends
Number of Crédit Agricole S.A. shares held at 31/12/2023
Brief Biographie
Holder of a BTS (Brevet de technicien supérieur) in farm management, Pascal Lheureux began more than 35 years ago with his brother in the expansion of the family farm, which today supports 14 families. He initiated its diversification, including into export-oriented activities. Very early on, he incorporated the environmental impact of the activity of the farm in an ISO 14001 certification (an international environmental management standard) and, for its fruit and vegetable sector, the international Global Gap certification, obtained in 2008. As a member of the “Demain La Terre” collective, he works on a commitment to zero waste in fruit and vegetables. He is also a Director of Crédit Agricole’s association Handicap et Emploi. He has more than 30 years of experience at Crédit Agricole, where he has been Chairman of the Regional Bank of Normandie-Seine since 2014, and is a Director of Unigrains, a leading private equity player in the agri-food sector.
Update: April 2022
In Crédit Agricole Group companies
Member of the Board of Directors and Officer of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors
Other positions
Managing Partner
Other positions