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Dominique LEFEBVRE

Born in 1961

Dominique Lefebvre
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Chairman of the Strategy Comitee and Societal Commitment Committee
  • Member of the Appointments and Governance Committee

Date first appointedNovember 2015 (1)

Term of office ends2025

Number of Crédit Agricole S.A. shares held at 31/12/20234,576

(1) 2007-2009: Director as natural person; 2009-2015: representing SAS Rue La Boétie

Brief biography 

Dominique Lefebvre has held numerous positions within professional farming associations. He got involved in Crédit Agricole’s working bodies very early on and, in 1995, was elected Chairman of Crédit Agricole de la Beauce et du Perche, now Crédit  Agricole Val-de-France (1997). He  also holds several national positions. Initially elected member of the Bureau of the Fédération nationale du Crédit Agricole – FNCA – in 2004, he became Deputy Chairman thereof in 2008, then Chairman in 2010. In this capacity he also was Chairman of SAS Rue  La  Boétie, Crédit  Agricole S.A.’s majority shareholder, before being elected Chairman of Crédit Agricole S.A. in November 2015.

Last update: April 2023

In Crédit Agricole Group companies

ChairmanRegional Bank Val-de-France, Fédération nationale du Crédit Agricole – FNCA, SAS Rue La Boétie, Sacam Participations, Sacam International, Fondation Crédit Agricole Solidarité et Développement (CASD)

Deputy ChairmanSacam Développement

Joint ManagerSacam Mutualisation

DirectorCrédit Agricole Foundation - Pays de France

Other positions

Chairman of the Finance CommissionChamber of Agriculture (Chambre d’agriculture) of Eure-et-Loir


DirectorUn Avenir Ensemble Foundation

MemberFrench Agricultural Council (Conseil de l’agriculture française)

TreasurerADEL – Association Agri Développement d’Eure-et-Loir

In Crédit Agricole Group companies

ManagerSacam Mutualisation (2021)

ChairmanManagement Committee: GIE GECAM

DirectorSCI CAM (2021)

Other positions

ManagerEARL de Villiers-le-Bois (2018)

Deputy ChairmanCNMCCA (2021)

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