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Cookie usage policy

When you visit our recruitment site, cookies are deposited on your computer, mobile or tablet. A cookie is a text file that is deposited when you visit a site or view an advert. Its aim is to collect information relevant to your browsing and send suitable services to your device. Another reason why we make use of cookies is for identification purposes and gaining access to your account, for example.

If you do not wish to use cookies, you must configure your computer's settings to delete all cookies from websites and/or receive notification if cookies are stored. If you do not wish to modify the configuration of cookies, simply continue with your visit to the site.

To learn more about cookies and their effect on you and your browsing experience, visit the CNIL.


What type of cookies do we use?

Authentication cookies

These cookies are essential in order to identify yourself and access your account on our site. They expire when you leave the browsing session.


Bookmark cookies

These cookies allow you to store your favourites when it comes to job openings. They expire after two months.


Cookies from third-party sites

Our site contains links which take you to other sites that use cookies. To learn more about these, please consult the information supplied by these third-party sites on their own cookies.


How to manage cookies on broswers

How to accept or refuse cookie deposits on your terminal?

Cookies can be managed in different ways: depending on your preferences, you can authorize them, refuse them or deactivate them (a cookie that has already been deposited can only be deactivated, it will only be deleted when it reaches the end of its lifetime). Please note that total rejection of cookies can lead to some of our services being made inaccessible or lead to a less reliable, less efficient or less suitable experience of our services.


You can make your choice and change your preferences using the browser:

Each browser's configuration is different. It is down to you to follow the instructions of your browser manufacturer as follows (links available on date of updating this privacy statement):

If you wish to exercise your right to object to the processing of personal data for audience measurement purposes on our site via our service provider AT internet, click on refuse