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Group-wide Ethics Charter

Group-wide Ethics Charter For the very first time, Crédit Agricole is setting up a Group-wide Ethics Charter, to cover the Regional Banks, Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole, Crédit Agricole S.A. and its subsidiaries. This Charter, signed by the Group's top management, stresses Crédit Agricole's core values of acting responsibly, locally, and with solidarity, forcefully restating these values for our Group, which is operating its business lines across some fifty countries, often in complex environments. This Charter is a reference document. It restates the principles for actions and behaviours to be observed on a day-to-day basis with our customers, employees, suppliers, society at large and all our stakeholders. It will form the basis for our other charters, codes of conduct and byelaws, in every one of the Group's entities and business lines. Throughout this week, you'll be able to discover four videos that illustrate its content.

Commitments and loyalty

Ethical commitments

Responsible employer

Ethical behaviour

Ethics Charter

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