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Viewpoint from Alexandre Cadain on artificial intelligence

Interview of Alexandre Cadain, co-lead at the AI for Good Global Summit, United Nations ; co-founder of Anima moonshot studio and of AI Commons network.



Viewpoint from Alexandre Cadain on artificial intelligence



We’re currently living in paradoxical times.

On the one hand, humanity is faced with unprecedented challenges, including the need to overcome mass poverty, develop better forms of work and combat climate change.
On the other hand, we also have unprecedented tools at our disposal.
In my opinion, it’s by working with AI that humanity will rise to these great challenges.

AI is one of the brightest opportunities we have for the future. It’s going to help us better understand our environment so we can influence it more positively, by transforming a chaotic mass of information about a complex world into knowledge that can be actioned on the ground.

Before you can have a positive view of AI, I think you first have to cultivate a shared collective imagination about your future working relationship with AI. How can it help you at work by freeing up some of your time while optimising the service provided? How can it help you better support your customers?
In return, I’m sure your customers will be very happy to see that this alliance between humans and AI can offer new specific, tailored approaches to building the future.


Watch the video interview




A positive vision of AI : Star Trek

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