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Work from home, on-site work during confinement ... employees testify


Staff emerge from lockdown and gradually return to the office

Staff who had been working from home are gradually returning to the office, in compliance with safety and distancing guidelines put in place by the Group. After being away for several weeks, they are being reunited with other returning colleagues and getting reacquainted with their working environment and equipment, as well as with colleagues who had had to continue working on site during the lockdown.


Some of them shared their first impressions with us:
Cynthia Gonzalez (Crédit Agricole du Languedoc) said she was “happy to see customers and be around people again, as I love to be”. “I wanted to find out how it works in real life”, said Christian Coutand (Crédit Agricole S.A. Compliance). Guillaume Finger (Crédit Agricole S.A. Corporate Social Responsibility) said, “It’s good to be back!” – an opinion shared by Laïla Belaïdi (CAL&F Human Resources), who said, “It’s a real pleasure to be able to see my colleagues in the flesh again”.

Click here or on the above image to see what other employees had to say.


We hear from staff who continued working on site during the lockdown

While the vast majority of the Group’s employees worked from home during the lockdown, some continued to attend their usual place of work where their roles so required: customer advisors, portfolio managers, IT staff, security guards, relationship managers, etc. Working in sometimes deserted offices, either cut off from their customers or with arrangements in place to meet with them as safely as possible, they too lived through what was, to say the least, an unusual time.

At the heart of the branch network
Laurent, Romain, Sébastien and Virginie, branch managers and customer advisors at Crédit Agricole and LCL, tell us about their experience and what they learned from it.


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