Cooperative shareholder customers make themselves heard
Held from the start of February until early April, the Crédit Agricole Local Banks’ Annual General Shareholders’ Meetings are the ideal time for cooperative shareholders to have their voices heard (in accordance with the cooperative principle of one person, one vote), play a role in the life of their bank, and thus contribute to the development of their region.
They can use their votes to appoint the directors that will represent them, approve the financial statements of their Local Bank and vote on resolutions that include amending the articles of association and remuneration on shares, which make up the share capital of the Local Banks. Elected representatives can also contribute to discussions on strategic plans by defining the priorities on which they would like to see local action, in fields as varied as solidarity and inclusion, health, the energy transition and sport. The General Shareholders’ Meetings are also an opportunity to spread awareness of these actions.
Key figures
12 millionscooperative shareholders
2 383Local Banks
27 423directors
With 12 million cooperative shareholders, 2,383 Local Banks and 27,423 directors, Crédit Agricole is the world’s largest cooperative mutual group. Its values of responsibility, proximity and solidarity have shaped its model day after day.
Over the past few years, the Regional Banks have made changes to the format and themes of their General Shareholders’ Meetings so as to build loyalty among existing cooperative shareholders and to attract new ones, with particular attention given to young people.